Hello india Home Care Services

Perform such daily functions as eating, bathing, dressing, and more. A speech therapist can help a patient with impaired speech regain the ability to communicate clearly.

> Rehabilitation Management:- Anybody may need rehabilitation at some point in their lives, following an injury, surgery, disease or illness, or because their functioning has declined with age.

> Critical care :- Home health nursing is a service that provides intensive care in a patient’s home, using advanced medical equipment and continuous monitoring. It’s for patients who require intensive care but prefer to be at home.

E Home Hospital

Hospital at Home is an acute clinical service that takes staff, equipment, technologies, medication, and skills usually provided in hospitals and delivers that hospital care to selected people in their homes or in nursing homes. It substitutes for acute inpatient hospital care.

> Pain management :- Pain management care in home health nursing can include:

  • Evaluation and management: Assessing pain and developing a plan for management
  • Medication: Starting new medications, monitoring pain medication, and teaching patients about side effects
  • Non-drug therapies: Using relaxation, music, and massage to help patients manage pain
  • Repositioning: Helping patients reposition to reduce pain
  • Education: Teaching patients about the disease process and post-operative care
  • Home medical equipment: Assessing whether the patient needs home medical equipment
  • Telehealth monitors: Using home-based telehealth monitors to help detect pain early

Pain management can help patients regulate pain and improve their quality of life. Pain is a vital signal from the body that can help us avoid harm or learn about harmful changes in the body.



Hello India Home care is a service that provides personalized care and rehabilitation in the patient's home. This service can be beneficial for patients who are in pain or need extra support with daily activities. Home physiotherapy can help patients regain strength and mobility, and improve their overall well-being.
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Medical social services

Medical social workers provide various services to the patient, including counselling and locating community resources to help the patient in his or her recovery. Some social workers are also the patient's case manager--if the patient's medical condition is very complex and requires coordination of many services.

Care from home health aides

Home health aides can help the patient with his or her basic personal needs such as getting out of bed, walking, bathing, and dressing. Some aides have received specialized training to assist with more specialized care under the supervision of a nurse.

Homemaker or basic assistance care

While a patient is being medically cared for in the home, a homemaker or person who helps with chores or tasks can maintain the household with meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, and other housekeeping items.


Some patients who are home alone may require a companion to provide comfort and supervision. Some companions may also perform household duties.

Volunteer care

Volunteers from community organizations can provide basic comfort to the patient through companionship, helping with personal care, providing transportation, emotional support, and/or helping with paperwork.

Critical care

Home health nursing is a service that provides intensive care in a patient's home, using advanced medical equipment and continuous monitoring. It's for patients who require intensive care but prefer to be at home.

Nutritional support

Dietitians can come to a patient's home to provide dietary assessments and guidance to support the treatment plan.

Laboratory and X-ray imaging

Some patients who are home alone may require a companion to provide comfort and supervision. Some companions may also perform household duties.

Pharmaceutical services

Medicine and medical equipment can be delivered at home. If the patient needs it, training can be provided on how to take medicines or use of the equipment, including intravenous therapy.

Ambulation /Transportation

There are companies that provide transportation to patients who require transportation to and from a medical facility for treatment or physical exams.

Home-delivered meals

Often called Meals-on-Wheels, many communities offer this service to patients at home who are unable to cook for themselves. Depending on the person's needs, hot meals can be delivered several times a week.

Specialization services

  • BP/sugar patient management
  • Critical care management
  • Heart care patient management
  • Neuron care management
  • IVF care management
  • Pregnancy care patient management
  • Baby care management
  • Elder care management
  • On bed patient management
  • Diet/Weight loss management
  • Skin care patient management
  • Wound patient management

Hello india Home Care

Medical equipment

Medical equipment

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Oxygen Concentrator

An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that gives you extra oxygen. Your doctor may prescribe one for you if you have a health.

Pulse Monitor

Heart rate monitors are devices that can detect and track your heart or pulse rate continuously.

Bipap & CPap

BiPAPs provide distinct air pressure levels for inhalation and exhalation, whereas CPAPs maintain a constant fixed pressure throughout each breath.


A ventilator is a device that supports or recreates the process of breathing by pumping air into the lungs. People refer to it as a vent or breathing machine.

Infusion Machine

An external infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids into a patient's body in a controlled manner.

Portable Ventilator

Ventilator medical grade bi level device with S/T mode, targeted tidal volume feature for patients who have respiratory insufficiency.

Service Recipient Says

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Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen